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The largest bivalve mollusc in the Mediterranean Sea, a species that lives only in our seas and plays a precious role in coastal ecosystems, is critically endangered after an epidemic decimated its population in 2016.
The project LIFE20 NAT/IT/001122 PINNA “Conservation and re-stocking of the Pinna nobilis in the western Mediterranean and Adriatic sea” has a duration of 4 years, is co-financed through the European Union financial instrument LIFE program. In addition to protecting and monitoring the surviving populations, it aims to recover the species in its reference habitats.
It is developed in five regions  (4 Italian and 1 Slovenian) and combines the skills of several entities: ARPAL (Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment of Liguria) as coordinating beneficiary, Asinara National Park, National Institute of Biology, Shoreline Cooperative society, Triton Research Srl, University of Genoa and University of Sassari as beneficiaries.
© 2025 Kαινοτόμες δράσεις για την παρακολούθηση-ανάκαμψη-υποβοήθηση της στρατολόγησης του επαπειλούμενου είδους (Πίννα) Pinna nobilis. All Rights Reserved. Designed by OWEB Digital Experience